Video Games and Coke-0
Tours: 870
Robots killed: 431,189
MvM data last updated 6d ago.   Status: Checking for updated MvM data  (force tour data refresh now)
DecoyDoe's DoomIncomplete
DecoyDay of WreckoningIncomplete
Coal TownCave-inIncomplete
Coal TownQuarryIncomplete
MannworksMean MachinesIncomplete
MannworksMann HuntIncomplete
DecoyDisk DeletionIncomplete
DecoyData DemolitionIncomplete
Coal TownCtrl+Alt+DestructionIncomplete
Coal TownCPU SlaughterIncomplete
MannworksMachine MassacreIncomplete
MannworksMech MutilationIncomplete
Big RockBroken PartsIncomplete
Big RockBone ShakerIncomplete
MannhattanEmpire EscalationIncomplete
MannhattanMetro MaliceIncomplete
RottenburgHamlet HostilityIncomplete
RottenburgBavarian BotbashIncomplete
Coal TownCataclysmIncomplete
DateTour NameTours Completed
2023-10-27Gear Grinder867
2023-10-04Gear Grinder867
2023-08-08Gear Grinder864
2023-05-16Gear Grinder863
2023-04-17Gear Grinder862
2022-08-31Gear Grinder861
2022-04-07Gear Grinder861
2022-02-22Gear Grinder861
2021-12-14Gear Grinder860
2021-10-31Gear Grinder860
*** Estimated. The data reflects the last known 10 days played. Only players with over 25 total tours are automatically refreshed daily. A number of factors could delay results.

Recent Comments

  • A complete joke of a player with the most toxic attitude. as mentioned can only play one class well, and one badly, and can do one wave as demo if whole team supports him. Just look at his tours vs his robots killed and you start to understand how bad he really is. here is an example of how toxic he is
    - BaK on 2017-02-27 08:49:28
  • only capable of playing heavy and pyro, complete trash who always gets carried. kick on sight.
    - can of dr pepper on 2016-10-17 07:50:02
  • ruff scares me... not in the good way
    - arcish_ on 2016-10-10 07:58:02
  • agree, he urgent needs a good doctor for his psychoses
    - b㋛Mb jλCK on 2015-11-21 13:32:44