Tours: 1671
Robots killed: >1,000,000
MvM data last updated 3d ago.   Status: Checking for updated MvM data  (force tour data refresh now)
DecoyDoe's DoomIncomplete
DecoyDay of WreckoningIncomplete
Coal TownCave-inIncomplete
Coal TownQuarryIncomplete
MannworksMean MachinesIncomplete
MannworksMann HuntIncomplete
DecoyDisk DeletionIncomplete
DecoyData DemolitionIncomplete
Coal TownCtrl+Alt+DestructionIncomplete
Coal TownCPU SlaughterIncomplete
MannworksMachine MassacreIncomplete
MannworksMech MutilationIncomplete
Big RockBroken PartsIncomplete
Big RockBone ShakerIncomplete
MannhattanEmpire EscalationIncomplete
MannhattanMetro MaliceIncomplete
RottenburgHamlet HostilityIncomplete
RottenburgBavarian BotbashIncomplete
Coal TownCataclysmIncomplete
DateTour NameTours Completed
2024-06-05Two Cities1186
2024-04-12Two Cities1185
2024-04-10Two Cities1184
2024-04-09Two Cities1184
2024-03-29Two Cities1182
2024-03-28Two Cities1181
2023-12-04Two Cities1181
2023-12-03Two Cities1180
2023-11-16Two Cities1180
2023-11-14Two Cities1179
*** Estimated. The data reflects the last known 10 days played. Only players with over 25 total tours are automatically refreshed daily. A number of factors could delay results.

Recent Comments

  • It's pronounced Tri (Try) NOT Tree
    - Thaumius on 2025-01-12 11:21:59
  • +rep Pretty good player.
    - Lee Harrold on 2022-07-02 10:57:13
  • You shoulda copy pasted on what you said afterwards about the little one not being able to join in time
    - Uncle Marine on 2021-10-31 10:51:18
  • v not really. please lie somewhere else, cheater.
    - Tri on 2021-09-01 07:36:28
  • gets carried by cheaters
    - Roboot on 2021-08-31 17:40:45
  • Guy too salty that i didnt use a Communication Platform to talk to him even tho i never ever use said Platform and now proceeds to spreads lies that i "support a kick against him"
    - Dirakia on 2021-08-22 10:17:48
  • +rep is very cute on stream
    - overstimulation on 2021-05-28 09:09:17
  • +rep Tridle
    - Andarungi on 2021-04-04 19:25:18
  • +rep Great and friendly player
    - sMashiro l Gone on 2019-08-01 13:24:39
  • 600+ tours player who upgrades short stop full firing speed on 2nd wave of BB instead of usefull resistances... 200+ money lost because he kept dying all the time. do i need to say more? AVOID!!!
    - Snuuut on 2019-05-06 12:54:11