Tours: 1092
Robots killed: 535,795
MvM data last updated 2d ago.   Status: Checking for updated MvM data  (force tour data refresh now)
DecoyDoe's DoomComplete
DecoyDay of WreckoningIncomplete
Coal TownCave-inIncomplete
Coal TownQuarryComplete
MannworksMean MachinesComplete
MannworksMann HuntComplete
DecoyDisk DeletionIncomplete
DecoyData DemolitionIncomplete
Coal TownCtrl+Alt+DestructionIncomplete
Coal TownCPU SlaughterIncomplete
MannworksMachine MassacreIncomplete
MannworksMech MutilationIncomplete
Big RockBroken PartsIncomplete
Big RockBone ShakerIncomplete
MannhattanEmpire EscalationIncomplete
MannhattanMetro MaliceIncomplete
RottenburgHamlet HostilityComplete
RottenburgBavarian BotbashIncomplete
Coal TownCataclysmIncomplete
DateTour NameTours Completed
2025-02-16Two Cities795
2025-02-14Two Cities795
2025-02-13Two Cities793
2025-02-12Two Cities793
2025-02-06Two Cities788
2025-01-21Two Cities777
2025-01-19Two Cities775
2025-01-16Two Cities770
2025-01-13Two Cities767
2025-01-08Two Cities764
*** Estimated. The data reflects the last known 10 days played. Only players with over 25 total tours are automatically refreshed daily. A number of factors could delay results.

Recent Comments

  • Leaves 90% of games, plays like shit in the other 10%
    - arcish_ on 2024-09-24 19:05:51
  • chill player but 1000 tour idle scout
    - Crazy Dave on 2022-01-23 19:10:40
  • Restart the Map? Airball F2:5 Kick Player Airball? F1:5
    - French Provincial Estate on 2021-10-22 02:24:51
  • below average skill for his tour count, i've only seen him play scout and does poorly both on dmg and support, called a map restart vote on bp last wave for no reason and hes also a known cheater supporter, kol this retard if you get the chance
    - Imazé on 2021-01-14 14:35:35
  • -rep retard
    - Gronklad on 2020-10-24 19:34:31
  • +rep very chill mvm player
    - Help(Vom) on 2019-03-06 05:59:04
  • -rep
    - BirbSMB #killtf2 on 2017-07-04 04:09:59