Tours: 648
Robots killed: 661,079
MvM data last updated 6d ago.   Status: Checking for updated MvM data  (force tour data refresh now)
DecoyDoe's DoomIncomplete
DecoyDay of WreckoningComplete
Coal TownCave-inIncomplete
Coal TownQuarryIncomplete
MannworksMean MachinesComplete
MannworksMann HuntIncomplete
DecoyDisk DeletionIncomplete
DecoyData DemolitionIncomplete
Coal TownCtrl+Alt+DestructionIncomplete
Coal TownCPU SlaughterIncomplete
MannworksMachine MassacreIncomplete
MannworksMech MutilationIncomplete
Big RockBroken PartsIncomplete
Big RockBone ShakerComplete
MannhattanEmpire EscalationIncomplete
MannhattanMetro MaliceIncomplete
RottenburgHamlet HostilityIncomplete
RottenburgBavarian BotbashIncomplete
Coal TownCataclysmIncomplete
DateTour NameTours Completed
2021-07-06Gear Grinder224
2021-07-06Two Cities298
2021-07-03Two Cities296
2021-07-01Gear Grinder224
2021-07-01Two Cities296
2021-06-30Gear Grinder223
2021-06-30Two Cities295
2021-06-26Oil Spill4
2021-06-26Gear Grinder222
2021-06-26Two Cities295
*** Estimated. The data reflects the last known 10 days played. Only players with over 25 total tours are automatically refreshed daily. A number of factors could delay results.

Recent Comments

  • Saw them doing airblast+scorch intermittently, and not really in a deliberately trolling manner (more like: "I think this is legitimately helpful because I'm a fucking retard"), which is why I looked them up on here and was surprised to see they've been doing this exact thing for OVER FOUR YEARS. They ended wave 1 metro with 1700 damage from running headlong into rocket barrages and accidentally deflecting a few before dying 9 times total. I think you go in my top 5 worst players ever, no hyperbole.
    - dementia on 2022-07-02 08:19:11
  • EDIT: removed old comment but leave if u see this guy
    - undercooked waffle on 2022-04-09 15:01:36
  • idk who this dude is but he sounds pretty lame -rep
    - keepyoursecrets on 2021-12-16 14:30:56
  • W4 desperation switches off engie to go huo heavy?? We fail he goes scorch shit idle pyro and I call him out and he respond with GotToFightForYourRight : and 102 tours not bale to do spY-check ( last wave too, btw)^^
    then leaves??? 1) i'm scout, 2) I did bait some spy spawns twice but I ain't your personal bodyguard
    - [] jh34ghu43gu on 2021-12-14 11:14:32
  • -rep. plays like a 6 year old with cerebral palsy. thinks that airblasting my busters is a good strat because "Nowhere to Run-Nowhere to Hide : if you didnt recognize? mostly a good blasted buster will do a lot of robots damage so teammates could destroy more easy robots" smoked the fuck out of him playing engi vs his pyro on tanks in expert decoy. edit 1.0: i was also fucking shit faced, lmao
    - synthetica on 2021-01-20 22:06:27
  • Desperation wave 1, autolocks airblast pyro. Plays first 3 waves fairly well, only airblasting on ubered targets or bonk scouts. However, he proceeds to max out jump height and health regen over damage on wave 4, tank would've capped if sniper didn't upgrade swing speed on bushwacka. Wave 6 proceeds to play seal and spam airblast on every single bot that comes near him. Nasty.
    - arcish... on 2021-01-02 08:47:34
  • insta locks pyro and plays like he's a 0 tour. One of the people where I'm just dying to know who carried them to the tours so i can block each and everyone of them. He's also a repeater, so he most likely has a lot more than those 600 tours :(
    - ʰᵉᵃʳᵗ on 2021-01-02 08:46:42
  • -rep. 262 tours auto lock pyro
    - LJ on 2020-11-02 09:44:23
  • cataclysm wave 1, goes pyro after making a weird gas joke, starts dying every two seconds because instead of buying bullet res like every sane person, he buys ammo and airblast force. airblast gauntlets for no reason and we lose the wave. 187 tours well spent, absolute joke of a player
    - Imazé on 2020-08-09 10:02:47
  • Trash player who is also a autolocking Pyro and gas passing ape. Kick on sight!
    - Bill Gaither on 2020-02-17 19:20:01
  • I new pyro no kick
    - Take the L on 2020-01-15 05:06:37
  • -rep, a very very very very very very very very very veeeeeery bad mvm player on the trash level of Itzee. his urge to play pyro must be a result of his hate against hightours, he probably picks pyro because he knows how much hated this class is in 2C. 208 tours of absolute trash. noone except for Itzee can be this bad at mvm. there's no other explanation than mental instability. kick on last wave at all cost!!!
    - Snuuut on 2019-11-26 07:29:00
  • One of the most shittiest retards I have ever fucking seen. I often wonder how someone this bad at the game has this many tours. Met him many times on expert and 2C; he insta-picks pyro no matter what; even if he joins a team with no scout or engi. Or to make things worse, even if there's already a pyro on the team during tank waves, he'll insta-pick second pyro. Also upgrades like shit as shown here: - Kick on sight, preferably on last.
    - itzzz on 2019-11-19 10:30:50
  • Never play mvm again you game sniping retard. I wish death upon your entire family.
    - Tahahahaha on 2019-11-15 19:06:18
  • -rep gas passer ape pyro
    - Sour_Chinese on 2019-11-07 14:07:24
  • I'm not sure how you're actually a worse high tour than snuuut holy fucking shit you're bad, full airblast force wave 1 and only airblast spams, then acts like it's not your fault when we lose money.
    - Airon on 2019-11-03 14:46:56
  • Joins a 6/7 hamlet where there is no engie and insta picks pyro and leaves when called out on it. The fact that he has a strange robots killed part on a stock flame thrower makes me feel bad for anyone who had to carry this spaz.
    - -`K♡H´- on 2019-09-25 13:36:26
  • absolute trash, plays pyro no matter what. Plays like it's his first day of MvM when he has 150+ tours. Kick on sight.
    - bubble on 2019-07-06 13:11:43
  • Plays like its his first day of MvM as pyro, airblasts everything and only lets his gas passer do damage. (129 2c tours) Edit: Seen him again, bought knockback rage as heavy and used it on double meds also tried killing giants from half way across the map, tried to kick him and then proceeded to spam retrys to avoid kicks, ---kick on sight----
    - Mike the Camel on 2018-09-03 09:26:37