Tours: 207
Robots killed: >1,000,000
MvM data last updated 2h ago.   Status: Checking for updated MvM data  (force tour data refresh now)
DecoyDoe's DoomComplete
DecoyDay of WreckoningIncomplete
Coal TownCave-inIncomplete
Coal TownQuarryIncomplete
MannworksMean MachinesIncomplete
MannworksMann HuntIncomplete
DecoyDisk DeletionIncomplete
DecoyData DemolitionIncomplete
Coal TownCtrl+Alt+DestructionIncomplete
Coal TownCPU SlaughterIncomplete
MannworksMachine MassacreIncomplete
MannworksMech MutilationIncomplete
Big RockBroken PartsIncomplete
Big RockBone ShakerIncomplete
MannhattanEmpire EscalationIncomplete
MannhattanMetro MaliceIncomplete
RottenburgHamlet HostilityIncomplete
RottenburgBavarian BotbashIncomplete
Coal TownCataclysmIncomplete
DateTour NameTours Completed
2025-02-15Two Cities191
2025-02-14Two Cities190
2025-02-13Two Cities189
2025-02-12Two Cities189
2025-02-11Two Cities188
2025-02-10Two Cities187
2025-02-09Two Cities186
2025-02-08Two Cities185
2025-02-05Two Cities185
2025-02-04Two Cities185
*** Estimated. The data reflects the last known 10 days played. Only players with over 25 total tours are automatically refreshed daily. A number of factors could delay results.

Recent Comments

  • when the when the catboy puur
    - incytech on 2025-02-10 21:07:04
  • - and this is why arco is my most favourite catboy
    - rev on 2025-01-07 10:36:30
  • Fun to play with but our whole lobby was engineer and they went spy so kick on sight please
    - Snivy on 2024-12-03 21:36:52
  • never heard of this dude but it's pure euphoria to hear him whine about me with lootgoblin on stream for an hour after we meet. autistic mvm club continues to be a never ending circus put on just for me
    - Comedy Legend on 2024-11-26 23:43:09
  • bro doesn't even complete tours because he's poor af but "All he does is spam requeue for a perfect lobby, what a shame." lmao
    - damage enjoyer on 2024-11-26 15:45:00
  • Lost a coinflip and was forced to leave on last, but still a funny guy +rep
    - Kurumesu on 2024-11-04 16:06:12
  • Good dmg, Good person, Good skill, +Rep!
    - Nozomi 紫 on 2024-10-28 14:34:58
  • arcish my Beloved
    - vruyiii MvM Lobby alt on 2024-10-03 21:56:55
  • very very very good damage scout +rep
    - darwin on 2024-09-10 16:22:58
  • Has saved + made some really good binds and has been a great experience to play with. Impressive Scout, even if I only saw him play 1 time in an lobby full of idle players so he had free way to farm dmg, he was being top dmg from w1.
    - Cocom on 2024-08-29 01:57:43
  • -rep mentally ill porn addicted degenerate who decided to leave a comment on my profile after his boyfriend got banned.
    Stick to creating more scenarios in your head and calling others useless/whiners when you're a societal parasite pendejo.
    - fatboy on 2024-08-10 08:54:38
  • +rep lovely player and fun to play with -rep hasn't invited me to his mm party yet
    - Poidy on 2024-06-19 22:03:32
  • +rep called out stinky duper
    - Ducky! on 2024-06-06 17:48:45
  • Aside from the B.O, solid and funny player. Decent binds, small owo. Edit - Rip the homie arcish.
    - JuiceWayne on 2024-05-21 13:39:09
  • arcorange is a certified leaver
    - catting on 2024-05-16 15:57:19
  • -rep, wasting time / afk supporter
    - Markus14 on 2024-05-06 14:36:53
  • uwu
    - k3nt on 2024-05-02 21:34:27
  • owo
    - MisterCalle on 2024-04-29 06:48:54
  • overall a very solid player)
    - acr on 2024-04-27 13:12:33
  • some retard kid who whines about exploiting and isnt good at the game suck my dick
    - HONEY on 2024-04-23 22:25:16
  • arcishtic
    - Chrstin on 2024-04-10 22:46:25
  • +rep Doesn't know 100% how to play, but is willing to learn and asked everyone for help, has a tendency of leaving
    - SiNiSTER on 2024-04-05 11:28:14
  • vacc hater.
    - e on 2024-03-31 04:27:25
  • arcish my beloved
    - nena on 2024-03-15 13:39:36
  • Excellent Medic and a kind person, made me feel all warm inside just by his presence =w=
    - Basil on 2024-03-08 17:21:16
  • +rep funny guy, good player, bit of a nutjob but in an endearing way
    - ASCE on 2024-03-02 23:13:32
    - Haru on 2023-04-24 02:52:01
  • Your comment on me was pointless as I can hold players hostage using a variety of ways. As for tour count, you might ask how I get my tours completed. Personally, I measure skill by the number of invites and free games I receive; including me taking games from cheaters. We've never met but you should fix your ego problems before randomly coming to comment on someone's mvmlobby you haven't played with.
    - itzzz on 2023-03-05 08:24:18
  • +rep He helped Alex and I become better players in MvM and he occasionally stream snipes us every now and then. Overall good player to have on the team.
    - Lee Harrold on 2022-06-26 12:32:44
  • has a fetish for touching peoples assets
    - overstimulation on 2021-05-28 09:24:34
  • mi vida owo
    - ʰᵉᵃʳᵗ on 2021-01-03 10:24:39
  • Fixed exploit where players could use "retry" in the console to reset the MvM timer and prevent the wave from starting
    - endsky1999 on 2020-12-28 14:04:23
  • sir arco : yeah I've been a bad fucking toaster
    - ·exo· on 2020-11-12 13:15:37
  • one of the only +rep is given from him
    - › Casual Chicken on 2020-11-06 20:55:15
  • +rep Doesn't know 100% how to play, but is willing to learn
    - JustCallMeAlec on 2017-06-13 22:56:59
    - smoke like a chimney on 2018-02-27 19:59:16
  • Never played with this guy for the record...another 2c player..
    - βobby Sacamano on 2017-11-13 15:21:42
  • +rep Doesn't know 100% how to play, but is willing to learn
    - Alec on 2017-06-13 22:56:59
  • -rep atrocious player. Toxic troll child; just stay away.
    - A. on 2017-06-13 10:22:22
  • +rep good mvm player, little bit nigger n seems to be in lov with casual shitten but anyway +rep
    - |TgM| The Silent Hill on 2017-06-12 02:34:38
  • kek
    - ╟?╢The Unknown╟?╢ on 2017-06-05 12:19:53
  • You know, i don't remember ever playing with you, but I did notice that you're friends with another low life scumbag who likes to talk shit on other peoples profiles. an alt ? Is "can of dr pepper" your alt that was banned from this site. He seems to be the only person who likes you. LOL@U with 20 tours.
    - (THF)™ ZEUS on 2017-01-06 05:38:01
  • decent player who isn't afraid to call out the scum
    - can of dr pepper on 2016-10-17 07:50:29
  • -rep Says thangs that hurt people's feelings.
    - - America - lmao is down on 2016-10-02 18:25:05
  • no idea who this user is, never played with it, dont care about its feedback. My guess would be that this user is upset (poor fella) about some comments I left on another users' profile: (a really horrible player who this user has friended at time of writing); but I could be wrong as this user has numerous shitty friends. Clearly has no worthwhile or substantiated opinions, probably a worthless person and player 0/10 wouldn't play with ever.
    - sllo on 2016-09-12 21:54:40
  • I hope you are ok Utah,x nn. Also i play for fun. Hence why i have spent nearly 8.5K$ in real cash on this game. I am not a try hard loot hunter like you, bromo and your cronies
    - [DD]GR4YB34R[DD] on 2016-08-21 00:37:27
  • lol add me on ur other account
    - pi on 2016-08-08 05:36:16
  • Immediately left when he saw Kom'rk. Especially funny since Kom decided not to do any more competitions.
    - kalskirata on 2016-07-15 04:05:31
  • -rep Bad mvm player. Bested several times. Edit: red scout, why would he play support scout if he knew damage scout? Damage scout>support scout, pretty much always. Also, you're saying I never graduated elementary school, with your bad grammar? Come on, hypocrite. Left immediately when he saw me. Definitely not a good player. Can of dr pepper isn't my alt, retard shit.
    - Mandalore on 2016-05-25 01:39:55
  • +rep cool guy, his memes are 5/7
    - Swordstone on 2016-05-03 23:18:30
  • +rep doesn't mind me trolling. I do what I can to keep this easy game, filled with shitty loot farmers, interesting.
    - bromo on 2016-01-28 21:40:03