Tours: 1706
Robots killed: >1,000,000
MvM data last updated 13h ago.   Status: Checking for updated MvM data  (force tour data refresh now)
DecoyDoe's DoomIncomplete
DecoyDay of WreckoningIncomplete
Coal TownCave-inIncomplete
Coal TownQuarryIncomplete
MannworksMean MachinesIncomplete
MannworksMann HuntIncomplete
DecoyDisk DeletionIncomplete
DecoyData DemolitionIncomplete
Coal TownCtrl+Alt+DestructionIncomplete
Coal TownCPU SlaughterIncomplete
MannworksMachine MassacreIncomplete
MannworksMech MutilationIncomplete
Big RockBroken PartsComplete
Big RockBone ShakerIncomplete
MannhattanEmpire EscalationIncomplete
MannhattanMetro MaliceIncomplete
RottenburgHamlet HostilityIncomplete
RottenburgBavarian BotbashIncomplete
Coal TownCataclysmIncomplete
DateTour NameTours Completed
2022-05-20Two Cities1413
2022-04-26Two Cities1412
2022-04-21Two Cities1412
2022-04-13Two Cities1412
2022-04-12Two Cities1411
2022-04-07Two Cities1411
2022-03-31Two Cities1411
2022-03-25Two Cities1410
2022-02-09Two Cities1410
2022-02-02Two Cities1409
*** Estimated. The data reflects the last known 10 days played. Only players with over 25 total tours are automatically refreshed daily. A number of factors could delay results.

Recent Comments

  • i remember him helping me so much when i had 3 tours. Hope u come back someday, would love to play with u now, that i am finally a hightour
    - Even0 on 2024-09-22 13:00:58
  • I appreciate the nice comment acknowledging that I've changed my ways in MvM. However to be fair, you're saying stuff like this even though you weren't the most mature person either for a few reasons. But...the past is the past and I don't hold onto grudges.
    - BrutalPizza on 2021-09-29 13:14:33
  • Drink responsibly old man
    - Tahahahaha on 2019-12-11 18:45:37
  • who even is this person hes got like 2 tours in all operations and thinks hes got above 1000 just because of a bug in mvmlobby
    - super human abilities on 2019-05-16 05:32:40
  • +rep good times
    - cr4nky on 2019-05-04 22:51:29
  • Bookmarked because of him hiding. You also need to sort out your alcoholism bud. https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/ you can thank me later.
    - Mike the Camel on 2018-12-16 18:05:38
  • Just incase he deletes his old comments and anyone is wondering what I'm referring to. Here are two comments, one old and one that I have replied to now. The first one is in reply to Trickstabbers comment https://i.imgur.com/R8ab782.png . This other one is what I've just replied to now https://i.imgur.com/AeCrNst.png .
    - BrutalPizzaAlt2 on 2018-09-12 13:49:10
  • Woohoo! I finally have a comment on my MvMLobby from the real DD himself, boy am I privileged! I love how you bring the whole penis thing up, even though you used to say it with me :D Not sure what beatboxing has to do with anything though? Lol. This is the final ever thing that I am saying to you DD, I will not have any future communication with you anymore, feel free to add another comment or add-on to your current one, there will be no replies, talking to you is just as bad as talking to DD, oh wait...
    - BrutalPizzaAlt on 2018-09-12 13:44:28
  • no clue who u r but i prolly carried ur ass so kys u owe me
    - |TgM| The Silent Hill on 2017-06-01 04:42:45
  • +Rep I have to say, that GR4Y is a nice guy! Good playing with him!!!
    - Creative on 2017-05-23 22:33:07
  • havent even met you yet but making pope mad is the best +rep add me
    - › Casual Chicken on 2017-05-15 10:57:36
  • Friendly player. Good mood and good communication out of play and in game. I recommend for a good time killing robots ^^
    - Le Bricoleur on 2017-05-02 10:52:07
  • You really shouldn't judge other players with that low skill level of yours. Your main problem is that your stupidity is covering itself up with your arrogance. Everyone who has ever played with you knows how terrible you perform. I actually don't understand why anybody would carry your arrogant ass for free. You have to understand yourself before making claims on others. Just look up "Dunning-Kruger-Effect" or watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvVPdyYeaQU
    - Trick on 2017-04-24 16:14:35
  • forget about talking trash here mate.. +rep Great person
    - Scorpio777 on 2016-11-29 08:53:58
  • I have to agree with everyone else about DD, despite the fact that I've never played with him. Subpar tour grinder who usually plays with at LEAST 3 friends, constantly contradicting himself (EG: "After spending over $9k on TF2, loot farming isn't at the top of my list") , calls people who are better than him "Hackers", as Deathrowboat said, and probably much more that I don't know about... Kick on sight.
    - Softshine798 on 2016-11-13 16:37:26

  • Your so full of shit mate i can smell your breath from here. I have only ever had the misfortune of playing with you once. So for you to judge shows how much of a meglomaniac egotistical loner you are. As for pizza. I played with him from around tour 5 to around 200 odd, which was around the time he started turning into a complete and utter dickhead. With a similar reputation to yourself. Congratulations on you and pizza making Ketil Bjorstatd (nomer43) actually look like a nice guy.
    - [DD]GR4YB34R[DD] on 2016-11-13 07:50:44
  • -rep outplayed by everybody in every class, more tours than skill, carried hard by his loot farming 2c friends, arrogant and rude to everybody. thats the price for being bad at tf2 and nothing to show. LUL

    Love the part you say you play to help others and having fun. Being toxic, complain about low tours and being covered by your low skill friends, kicking for no reason must be on a parallel universe that is acceptable...
    - Thecrackdealer on 2016-11-08 14:58:37
  • completely useless player who always plays with the same asshats that kick randoms for no reason whatsoever, avoid at all costs.
    - can of dr pepper on 2016-10-17 07:42:14
  • One of the nicest higher tour players I have met in-game. He told me he has played with randoms a lot just like I do, and I can appreciate that. +rep
    - Bogan on 2016-10-06 20:47:12
  • bad. just bad.
    - arcish_ on 2016-08-19 05:21:30
  • I teach mvm classes for your kind of people. Make me a fish n chips and enjoy the show. Noobs like you are hard to come by so ill cherish the moment.
    - Johnny Utah on 2016-03-17 07:04:38
  • Accused me of hacking as heavy on Hamlet. Had his buddies kick me. 10/10 would play again.
    - Deathrowboat on 2016-03-09 11:26:10
  • Agree, he is a total idiot. Berates kicking noobs, but loves moaning about them. Guy is a total paradoxical cliched hypocrite, because he is utter shite himself, but expects people to carry this fucker. Can't believe I put up with this trash so long
    - Oxy^ on 2015-02-20 10:28:10
  • This guy as in asshole supreme. He will AFK the whole game(during waves) and only pops up to call people a faggot occasionally. We ended up kicking this guy from an all friends group haha. Would rather have a 0 tour spy than this guy playing any class.
    - Shlyven on 2015-02-07 07:56:42