Tours: 815
Robots killed: 409,186
MvM data last updated 12h ago.   Status: Checking for updated MvM data  (force tour data refresh now)
DecoyDoe's DoomIncomplete
DecoyDay of WreckoningIncomplete
Coal TownCave-inIncomplete
Coal TownQuarryIncomplete
MannworksMean MachinesIncomplete
MannworksMann HuntIncomplete
DecoyDisk DeletionIncomplete
DecoyData DemolitionIncomplete
Coal TownCtrl+Alt+DestructionIncomplete
Coal TownCPU SlaughterIncomplete
MannworksMachine MassacreIncomplete
MannworksMech MutilationIncomplete
Big RockBroken PartsIncomplete
Big RockBone ShakerIncomplete
MannhattanEmpire EscalationIncomplete
MannhattanMetro MaliceIncomplete
RottenburgHamlet HostilityIncomplete
RottenburgBavarian BotbashIncomplete
Coal TownCataclysmIncomplete
DateTour NameTours Completed
2025-02-16Gear Grinder140
2025-02-16Mecha Engine338
2025-02-16Two Cities331
2025-02-15Gear Grinder139
2025-02-14Two Cities330
2025-02-14Gear Grinder138
2025-02-13Two Cities328
2025-02-13Gear Grinder138
2025-02-11Gear Grinder136
2025-02-10Gear Grinder135
*** Estimated. The data reflects the last known 10 days played. Only players with over 25 total tours are automatically refreshed daily. A number of factors could delay results.

Recent Comments

  • can you give me a mad growl
    - catting on 2024-08-09 06:05:46
  • Katt : put a comment on my profile for having 53k damage on beggars in 5 waves
    - andrew on 2024-07-14 16:53:56
  • +rep this user saved 9000 kittens from a burning building and let me borrow his washing machine.
    - ORBITAL VSAT on 2024-06-12 12:10:31
  • Funny and great player.
    Yote : it really is mega lolz
    - MisterCalle on 2024-02-24 17:25:03
  • +rep Pretty good player and a funny guy!
    - Brickbrock on 2024-02-24 17:24:25
  • He's a pretty good player and he's funny.
    - Lee Harrold on 2022-07-07 19:45:43
  • +rep Skilled across all classes, knows how each mission goes.
    - Fierce on 2022-05-23 18:33:33
  • +rep yotebot when
    - tuna on 2021-04-01 08:32:44
  • When I originally met this guy, I can't lie he wasn't an amazing player. However as recent months have gone by, he is improving constantly more and more and is actually willing to improve with every MvM game. He is completely open and not ignorant to advice given to him which is the mark of a great player. He originally played a lot of support Scout and I introduced him to damage Scout and with that has has became a very good damage Scout. He's a very close friend of mine now too (not MvM related).
    - BrutalPizza on 2019-09-09 17:52:08